Korandova Zuzana

From Bioblast
Name Korandová Zuzana, Mgr.
Korandova Zuzana
Czech Academy of Sciences,

Laboratory of Bioenergetics,

Institute of Physiology, CZ

Address Videnska 1083, 142 20
City Prague
Country Czech Republic
Email [email protected]
O2k-Network Lab CZ Prague Houstek J

Labels: Field of research: Basic 


Korandova 2025 Anal Biochem2025Korandová Z, Pecina P, Pecinová A, Koňaříková E, Tesařová M, Houštěk J, Hansíková H, Ptáčková H, Zeman J, Honzík T, Mráček T (2025) Cryopreserved PBMCs can be used for the analysis of mitochondrial respiration and serve as a diagnostic tool for mitochondrial diseases. Anal Biochem 698:115745. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ab.2024.115745


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