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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "'''PalPGMSGp''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]] & [[Pyruvate]] & [[Glutamate]] &". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • OctPM pathway control state  + ('''OctPM''': [[Octanoylcarnitine]]'''OctPM''': [[Octanoylcarnitine]] & [[Pyruvate]] & [[Malate]].</br></br>'''MitoPathway control state:''' [[FN]]</br></br>'''SUIT protocol:''' [[SUIT-002]], [[SUIT-005]]</br></br>This substrate combination supports N-linked flux which is typically higher than FAO capacity (F/FN<0 in the OXPHOS state). In SUIT-RP1, PMOct is induced after PM(E), to evaluate any additive effect of adding Oct. In SUIT-RP2, FAO OXPHOS capacity is measured first, testing for the effect of increasing malate concentration (compare [[malate-anaplerotic pathway control state]], M alone), and pyruvate is added to compare FAO as the background state with FN as the reference state. the background state with FN as the reference state.)
  • OctPMS  + ('''OctPMS''': [[Octanoylcarnitine]] & [[Pyruvate]] & [[Malate]] & [[Succinate]]. '''MitoPathway control state:''' [[FNS]] '''SUIT protocol:''' [[SUIT-005]])
  • Octanoate  + ('''Octanoate''' (octanoic acid). C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>16</sub>O<sub>2</sub> Common name: Caprylic acid.)
  • Octanoylcarnitine  + ('''Octanoylcarnitine''' is a medium-chain fatty acid (octanoic acid: eight-carbon saturated fatty acid) covalently linked to [[carnitine]], frequently applied as a substrate for [[fatty acid oxidation]] (FAO) in [[mitochondrial preparations]].)
  • Oligomycin  + ('''Oligomycin''' (Omy) is an inhibitor of '''Oligomycin''' (Omy) is an inhibitor of [[ATP synthase]] by blocking its proton channel (Fo subunit), which is necessary for oxidative phosphorylation of ADP to ATP (energy production). The inhibition of ATP synthesis also inhibits respiration. In OXPHOS analysis, Omy is used to induce a [[LEAK respiration]] state of respiration (abbreviated as ''L''(Omy) to differentiate from ''L''(n), LEAK state in the absence of ADP).L''(n), LEAK state in the absence of ADP).)
  • Optics  + ('''Optics''' are the components that are u'''Optics''' are the components that are used to relay and focus light through a [[spectrofluorometer]] or [[spectrophotometer]]. These would normally consist of lenses and/or concave mirrors. The number of such components should be kept to a minimum due to the losses of light (5-10%) that occur at each surface. light (5-10%) that occur at each surface.)
  • Ouabain  + ('''Ouabain''' (synonym: G-strophantin octa'''Ouabain''' (synonym: G-strophantin octahydrate) is a poisonous cardiac glycoside. The classical mechanism of action of ouabain involves its binding to and inhibition of the plasma membrane Na+/K+-ATPase (sodium pump) especially at the higher concentrations. Low (nanomolar and subnanomolar) concentrations of ouabain stimulate the Na-K-ATPase.ions of ouabain stimulate the Na-K-ATPase.)
  • Overfitting  + ('''Overfitting''' in statistics is the act'''Overfitting''' in statistics is the act of mistaking noise for a signal. Overfitting makes a model look ‘’better’’ on paper but perform ‘’worse’’ in the real world. This may make it easier to get the model published in an academic journal or to sell to a client, crowding out more honest models from the marketplace. But if the model is fitting noise, it has the potential to hurt the science (quoted from [[Silver 2012 Penguin Press]]).nguin Press]]).)
  • Overlay of plots - DatLab  + ('''Overlay of plots''' is defined in DatLa'''Overlay of plots''' is defined in DatLab as selection of graph layouts showing identical plots from the two O2k-chambers in each graph. Overlay of plots is selected in [[Graph layout - DatLab |Graph layout]]. Superimposed traces of flux/flow from chambers A and B are then shown in Graph 1, and of concentration in chambers A and B in Graph 2.</br></br>There are basically two ways to superimpose traces recorded in different experiments: Export of the graphics via windows metafile or export of the data to e.g. a spreadsheet program.</br></br>If you export via wmf you also can manipulate the graphics but then usually the lines are broken up in different segments. This can be done in various programs like MS Word, Open Office Draw and even in MSPower Point, though this maybe is the worst program to do this. It is better to manipulate them in a proper program like OO Draw, convert it to an unchangeable picture and then import it to a presentation graphics. Anyway, when you import directly to Power point (or other programs), make sure not to import it as a "picture" but as a metafile. Also in some programs you might afterwards have to "break" it up, or accept a "conversion to a MS Draw object" or other similar linguistic inventions of the software gurus. For this option we suggest to do as much as possible directly in DatLab (setting colors, line widths, ..) using the options in "Plots"/"select plots" and "graph"/"options". </br></br>The “hardcore“ option is to export the data and import it into e.g. a spreadsheet program (MS Excel , OOCalc). It takes longer to have a simple overlay but gives you far less problems later and its easier to make changes later. To do this you can export your dataset "Export"/"Data to Textfile" and then go from there."Data to Textfile" and then go from there.)
  • Oxalomalic acid  + ('''Oxalomalic acid''' is an inhibitor of a'''Oxalomalic acid''' is an inhibitor of aconitase (and of cytoplasmic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase). Aconitase mediates the isomerization of citrate to isocitrate as the first step in the [[TCA_cycle| TCA cycle]]. Oxalomalic acid has been used at 1 mM concentration and after 45 min of pre-incubation to inhibit aconitase in permeabilized rat Soleus muscle fibres, inhibiting the enzyme by 24% ([[Osiki 2016 FASEB J]]).[[Osiki 2016 FASEB J]]).)
  • Oxidative stress  + ('''Oxidative stress''' results from an imb'''Oxidative stress''' results from an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants shifting the equilibrium in favor of the pro-oxidants. This process can be due by an increment in pro-oxidants, by a depletion of antioxidant systems or both. Oxidative stress generates oxidative damage of proteins, lipids and DNA.dative damage of proteins, lipids and DNA.)
  • Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase  + ('''Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase''' (α-ketogl'''Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase''' (α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase) is a highly regulated enzyme of the [[tricarboxylic acid cycle]]. It catalyses the conversion of oxoglutarate (alpha-ketoglutarate) to succinyl-CoA, reduces NAD<sup>+</sup> to [[NADH]] and thus links to [[Complex I]] in the Electron transfer-pathway. OgDH is activated by low Ca<sup>2+</sup> (<20 µM) but inactivated by high Ca<sup>2+</sup> (>100 µM). OgDH is an important source of ROS.y high Ca<sup>2+</sup> (>100 µM). OgDH is an important source of ROS.)
  • Oxygen flux  + ('''Oxygen flux''', ''J''<sub>O<su'''Oxygen flux''', ''J''<sub>O<sub>2</sub></sub>, is a [[specific quantity]]. Oxygen [[flux]] is [[oxygen flow]], ''I''<sub>O<sub>2</sub></sub> [mol·s<sup>-1</sup> per system] (an [[extensive quantity]]), divided by system size. Flux may be volume-specific (flow per volume [pmol·s<sup>-1</sup>·mL<sup>-1</sup>]), mass-specific (flow per mass [pmol·s<sup>-1</sup>·mg<sup>-1</sup>]), or marker-specific (flow per mtEU). Oxygen flux (''e.g.'', per body mass, or per cell volume) is distinguished from oxygen flow (per number of objects, such as cells), ''I''<sub>O<sub>2</sub></sub> [mol·s<sup>-1</sup>·x<sup>-1</sup>]. These are different forms of [[normalization of rate]].lization of rate]].)
  • Oxygen kinetics  + ('''Oxygen kinetics''' describes the depend'''Oxygen kinetics''' describes the dependence of respiration of isolated mitochondria or cells on oxygen partial pressure. Frequently, a strictly hyperbolic kinetics is observed, with two parameters, the oxygen pressure at half-maximum flux, ''p''<sub>50</sub>, and maximum flux, Jmax. The ''p''<sub>50</sub> is in the range of 0.2 to 0.8 kPa for cytochrome ''c'' oxidase, isolated mitochondria and small cells, strongly dependent on ''J''<sub>max</sub> and coupling state.lls, strongly dependent on ''J''<sub>max</sub> and coupling state.)
  • Oxygen pressure  + ('''Oxygen pressure''' or partial [[pressure]] of oxygen [kPa], related to oxygen concentration in solution by the [[oxygen solubility]], ''S''<sub>O2</sub> [µM/kPa].)
  • Ap5A  + ('''P1,P5-Di(adenosine-5')pentaphosphate (Ap5A)''' is an inhibitor of [[adenylate kinase]] (ADK), the enzyme which rephosphorylates AMP to ADP, consuming ATP (ATP + AMP ↔ 2 ADP).)
  • PGMSGp pathway control state  + ('''PGMSGp''': [[Pyruvate]] & [[Glutamate]] & [[Malate]] & [[Succinate]] & [[Glycerophosphate]]. '''MitoPathway control state:''' NSGp '''SUIT protocol:''' [[SUIT-038]] This substrate combination supports convergent electron flow to the [[Q-junction]].)
  • POS-Service Kit  + ('''POS-Service Kit''', in [[O2k-Accessory Box]] including all oxygen sensor service accessories for membrane mounting and service of the [[OroboPOS|POS]].)
  • PREreview  + ('''PREreview''' encourages scientists to p'''PREreview''' encourages scientists to post their scientific outputs as preprints. PREreview makes it easier to start and run a Preprint Journal Club, or integrate preprint review into conventional journal clubs. PREreview seeks to diversify peer review in the academic community by crowdsourcing pre-publication feedback to improve the quality of published scientific output, and to train early-career researchers (ECRs) in how to review others' scientific work. We want to facilitate a cultural shift in which every scientist posts, reads, and engages with preprints as standard practice in scholarly publishing. We see PREreview as a hub to support and nurture the growth of a community that openly exchanges timely, constructive feedback on emerging scientific outputs. We believe that by empowering ECRs through peer review training programs, thereby increasing the diversity of researchers involved in the peer review process, PREreview will help establish a healthier and more sustainable culture around research dissemination and evaluation. This project was born in April 2017 as a collaboration between Samantha Hindle and Daniela Saderi, scientists and [[ASAPbio]] Ambassadors, with help from Josh Nicholson, at the time working for [ Authorea].ttps:// Authorea].)
  • Packing\O2k-Box 1+2  + ('''Packing\O2k-Box 1+2''' for shipping the [[O2k-Core]]. O2k-WorldWide delivery, insurance and handling are included in the O2k-Core.)
  • PalM  + ('''PalM''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]] & [[Malate]]. '''MitoPathway control state:''' [[ F | Fatty acid oxidation pathway control state]] '''SUIT protocols:''' [[SUIT-019]])
  • PalOctM  + ('''PalOctM''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]] & [[Octanoylcarnitine]] & [[Malate]]. '''MitoPathway control state:''' [[ F | Fatty acid oxidation pathway control state]] '''SUIT protocols:''' [[SUIT-019]])
  • PalOctPGM  + ('''PalOctPGM''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]] & [[Octanoylcarnitine]] & [[Pyruvate]] & [[Glutamate]] & [[Malate]]. '''MitoPathway control state:''' [[FN]] '''SUIT protocols:''' [[SUIT-019]])
  • PalOctPGMS  + ('''PalOctPGMS''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]] & [[Octanoylcarnitine]] & [[Pyruvate]] & [[Glutamate]] & [[Malate]] & [[Succinate]]. '''MitoPathway control state:''' [[FNS]] '''SUIT protocols:''' [[SUIT-019]])
  • PalOctPM  + ('''PalOctPM''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]] & [[Octanoylcarnitine]] & [[Pyruvate]] & [[Malate]]. '''MitoPathway control state:''' [[FN]] '''SUIT protocols:''' [[SUIT-019]])
 ('''PalPGMSGp''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]] & [[Pyruvate]] & [[Glutamate]] &)
  • PalPGMSGp pathway control state  + ('''PalPGMSGp''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]]'''PalPGMSGp''': [[Palmitoylcarnitine]] & [[Pyruvate]] & [[Glutamate]] & [[Malate]] & [[Succinate]] & [[Glycerophosphate]].</br></br>'''MitoPathway control state:''' FNSGp</br></br>'''SUIT protocol:''' [[SUIT-026]]</br></br>This substrate combination supports convergent electron flow to the [[Q-junction]].[[Q-junction]].)
  • Palmitate  + ('''Palmitate''' is a term for the salts an'''Palmitate''' is a term for the salts and esters of palmitic acid (CH<sub>3</sub>(CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>14</sub>COOH). Palmitic acid is the first fatty acid produced during fatty acid synthesis and the precursor to longer fatty acids. Palmitate negatively feeds back on acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), which is responsible for converting acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA, which in turn is used to add to the growing acyl chain, thus preventing further palmitate generation. In order to dissolve the water-insoluble sodium palmitate, [[Bovine serum albumine| BSA]] is needed to form the water-soluble compound called palmitate:BSA.[[Bovine serum albumine| BSA]] is needed to form the water-soluble compound called palmitate:BSA.)
  • Palmitoyl-CoA  + ('''Palmitoyl-CoA''' is a coenzyme A deriva'''Palmitoyl-CoA''' is a coenzyme A derivative of palmitate formed by acyl-CoA synthase. In contrast to medium- and short-chain acyl-CoA, palmitoyl-CoA cannot freely diffuse into the mitochondrial matrix. Formation of palmitoylcarnitine by CPTI is necessary prior to transfer into mitochondria for further fatty acid oxidation (β-oxidation). To study [[Fatty acid oxidation]] using Palmitoyl-CoA, [[Carnitine]] and low amount of malate is needed on mitochondrial preparations.e is needed on mitochondrial preparations.)
  • Palmitoylcarnitine  + ('''Palmitoylcarnitine''' is an ester deriv'''Palmitoylcarnitine''' is an ester derivative of [[carnitine]] (long-chain acylcarnitine) involved in the metabolism of fatty acids. Within the cell, palmitoylcarnitine is transported into the mitochondria to deliver palmitate for fatty acid oxidation and energy production.atty acid oxidation and energy production.)
  • Pathway control efficiency  + ('''Pathway control efficiencies''' are [[flux control efficiency |flux control efficiencies]]'''Pathway control efficiencies''' are [[flux control efficiency |flux control efficiencies]], expressing the relative change of flux in response to a transition between two [[electron-transfer-pathway state]]s due to a change of (''1'') substrate availability or (''2'') inhibition of enzyme steps in the pathway, in a defined [[coupling-control state]].[[coupling-control state]].)
  • Peer review  + ('''Peer reviews''' provide a critical asse'''Peer reviews''' provide a critical assessment of a manuscript prior to publication. Bioenergetics Communications publishes [ Open Peer Reviews] for transparency of the review process.s] for transparency of the review process.)
  • PeerJ Preprints 'pre-print' area of PeerJ  + ('''PeerJ Preprints''' is the 'pre-print' a'''PeerJ Preprints''' is the 'pre-print' area of the Open Access journal ''PeerJ''. Similar to preprint servers that already exist (for example, authors can submit draft, incomplete, or final versions of articles they are working on. By using this service, authors establish precedent; they can solicit feedback; and they can work on revisions of their manuscript. Once they are ready, they can submit their preprint article into ''PeerJ'' (although it is not a requirement to do so).</br></br>''PeerJ Preprints'' was launched in April 2013. It only accepts submissions in the same subject areas as ''PeerJ'' (biological, medical and environmental sciences) and ''PeerJ Computer Science''. In order to submit to ''PeerJ Preprints'', at least the submitting author must have a user account with ''PeerJ''. There is no pre-publication peer-review of submissions; however we do perform basic checks to ensure conformity with our policies. Submissions are made using the same platform as with the peer-reviewed journals, although some of the requirements are less stringent. Articles are not typeset, but we do provide automated conversion into PDF. The default is for a ''PeerJ Preprints'' publication to be fully open to all viewers (what we call a 'public' pre-print).</br></br>'''PeerJ''' is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal. It considers and publishes research articles in the biological, medical and environmental sciences. It aims for rapid decision making and will publish articles as soon as they are ready. ''PeerJ'' is based in both San Diego, US, and London, UK.sed in both San Diego, US, and London, UK.)
  • Perfluorooctanoic acid  + ('''Perfluorooctanoic acid''' (PFOA) is a metabolically inert perfluorinated fatty acid which activates [[UCP1]] in brown-fat mitochondria. UCP1-dependent respiration can be stimulated with 600 μM PFOA after inhibition of the phosphorylation system.)
  • Performance Estimation  + ('''Performance estimation''')
  • PBMC  + ('''Peripheral blood mononuclear cells''' ('''Peripheral blood mononuclear cells''' (PBMC) are a fraction of the leucocyte population in the blood composed by cells with round nucleus. PBMC consist of lymphocytes (T, B and NK cells) and monocytes. During extraction, neutrophils and platelets (PLT) can be found in the PBMC fraction, where PLT are considered as a contamination.ere PLT are considered as a contamination.)
  • Permeabilized cells  + ('''Permeabilized cells''' (pce) are mitoch'''Permeabilized cells''' (pce) are mitochondrial preparations obtained by selectively permeabilizing the plasma membrane (e.g., with [[digitonin]]), for the exchange of soluble molecules between the cytosolic phase and external medium, without damaging the [[mitochondrial|mt]]-membranes.</br></br>'''Permeabilized cells''' (pce) are, therefore, not any longer viable or [[living cells]] (ce), since the intactness of cells implies the intactness of the plasma membrane. Any typical quantiative cell viability test (trypan blue etc) evaluating the intactness of the plasma membrane, yields a 100% negative result on fully permeabilized cells.</br></br>For permeabilizing the cell plasma membranes chemically with [[digitonin]], without damaging the [[mitochondrial|mt]]-membranes, the optimum concentration of digitonin must be previously determinated. The protocol [[SUIT-010]] is designed for the evaluation of optimum digitonin concentration for permeabilizing cells, a requirement to account for differences between cell types, the concentration of cells, and variability between batches of the natural product digitonin. batches of the natural product digitonin.)
  • Permeabilized muscle fibers  + ('''Permeabilized muscle fibers''' (pfi) ar'''Permeabilized muscle fibers''' (pfi) are used as a mitochondrial preparation in respirometry to access mitochondrial function comparable to [[isolated mitochondria]] (imt). pfi are obtained by selectively permeabilizing the plasma membrane mechanically and chemically ([[saponin]]), for the exchange of soluble molecules between the cytosolic phase and external medium, without damaging the [[mitochondrial|mt]]-membranes.</br></br>:» MitoPedia topic: [[Mitochondrial preparations]][Mitochondrial preparations]])
  • Permeabilized tissue or cells  + ('''Permeabilized tissue''' ([[Permeabilized tissue|pti]]'''Permeabilized tissue''' ([[Permeabilized tissue|pti]], see also [[permeabilized muscle fibers]], pfi) or cells ([[Permeabilized cells|pce]]) are mitochondrial preparations obtained by selectively permeabilizing the plasma membrane mechanically or [[permeabilization of plasma membrane|chemically]], for the exchange of soluble molecules between the cytosolic phase and external medium, without damaging the [[mitochondrial|mt]]-membranes.</br></br>'''Permeabilized cells''' (pce) are, therefore, not any longer viable or [[living cells]] (ce), since the intactness of cells implies the intactness of the plasma membrane. Any typical quantiative cell viability test (trypan blue etc) evaluating the intactness of the plasma membrane, yields a 100% negative result on fully permeabilized cells.ative result on fully permeabilized cells.)
  • Permeabilized tissue  + ('''Permeabilized tissue''' (pti, see also '''Permeabilized tissue''' (pti, see also [[permeabilized muscle fibers]], pfi) are mitochondrial preparations obtained by selectively permeabilizing the plasma membrane mechanically or chemically (e.g., with [[saponin]]), for the exchange of soluble molecules between the cytosolic phase and external medium, without damaging the [[mitochondrial|mt]]-membranes.[[mitochondrial|mt]]-membranes.)
  • Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha  + ('''Peroxisome proliferator-activated recep'''Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) coactivator-1α''' (PGC-1α) is a protein which functions as an inducible transcriptional coactivator, a coregulator of transcription factors, particularly [[NRF-1]] and [[TFAM]]. PGC-1α was first described in 1998 ([[Puigserver 1998 Cell]]). PGC-1α drives the formation of slow-twich muscle fibres ([[Lin 2002 Nature]]) and is increased upon endurance training ([[Norrbom 2004 J Appl Physiol]]). PGC-1α expression is inhibited by the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and high levels of leptin. Upregulation of PGC-1α expression is induced by increased [[eNOS]] activity -> [[MiPNet15.05_NO-manual|NO]] -> [[guanylate cyclase]] -> [[cGMP]] ([[Nisoli 2007 Circ Res]]). AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) increases PGC-1α expression through SIRT1 ([[Canto 2009 Nature]]).9 Nature]]).)
  • Phenylsuccinate  + ('''Phenylsuccinate''' is a competitive inhibitor of succinate transport (20 mM).)
  • Phosphocreatine  + ('''Phosphocreatine''' is a high energy compound in the skeletal muscle of vertebrates and is present in 4 to 5 times the concentration of ATP.)
  • Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase  + ('''Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase''' (P'''Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase''' (PEPCK) catalyzes the anabolic reaction of [[oxaloacetate]] (Oxa) to [[phosphoenolpyruvate]] at the expense of GTP. PEPCK is a cytoplasmatic enzyme involved in gluconeogenesis in mouse and rat liver, but 'is found in the mitochondria in the rabbit and chicken, and in both cytoplasm and mitochondria in the guinea pig' ([[Lehninger 1970 Worth Publishers |Lehninger 1970]]). In many anoxia-resistant animals, PEPCK plays an important catabolic role under severe hypoxia and anoxia at the PEPCK branchpoint ([[Hochachka 2002 Oxford Univ Press |Hochachka, Somero 2002)]], feeding malate into the reversed TCA cycle: malate is dismutated to pyruvate catalyzed by [[malic enzyme]] in the oxidative direction, and to fumarate in the reductive direction, leading to formation of succinate and ATP under anoxia ([[Gnaiger 1977 Invertebrate anoxibiosis |Gnaiger 1977]]).[[Gnaiger 1977 Invertebrate anoxibiosis |Gnaiger 1977]]).)
  • Phosphorescence  + ('''Phosphorescence''' is a similar phenome'''Phosphorescence''' is a similar phenomenon to [[fluorescence]]. However, instead of the electron returning to its original energy state following excitation, it decays to an intermediate state (with a different spin value) where it can remain for some time (minutes or even hours) before decaying to its original state. Phosphorescence is one form of [[Luminescence]], especially Photoluminescence.[[Luminescence]], especially Photoluminescence.)
  • PhotoBiology  + ('''PhotoBiology''' is the science of the e'''PhotoBiology''' is the science of the effect of light on biological processes. This includes [[photosynthesis]], photochemistry, photophysics, photomorphogenesis, vision, bioluminescence, circadian rhythms and photodynamic therapy. Phototoxicity results from non-ionizing radiation (i.e. ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation). Non-ionizing radiation is any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum (photon energy below 10 eV) to completely remove an electron from an atom or molecule. When photons interact with molecules, the molecules can absorb the photon energy and become excited, reacting with surrounding molecules and stimulating "photochemical" and "photophysical" changes. Respiration may be affected by light during photosynthesis or in dark respiration, with the transient response of [[light-enhanced dark respiration]].[[light-enhanced dark respiration]].)
  • Photodecomposition  + ('''Photodecomposition''' or photodegradati'''Photodecomposition''' or photodegradation is the process of decay of organic material induced by increasing light intensity. Under aerobic conditions, the enhancement of photodecomposition by light intensity can be quantified by oxygen consumption in a controlled light regime. consumption in a controlled light regime.)
  • Photodiode arrays  + ('''Photodiode arrays''' are two dimensiona'''Photodiode arrays''' are two dimensional assemblies of [[photodiodes]]. They are frequently used in conjunction with charge coupled devices (CCDs) for digital imaging. They can be used in combination with [[dispersion devices]] to detect wavelength dependent light intensities in a [[spectrofluorometer]] or [[spectrophotometer]].[[spectrophotometer]].)
  • Photodiodes  + ('''Photodiodes''' are photodetectors that '''Photodiodes''' are photodetectors that convert [[incident light]] into a current or voltage dependent on their configuration. They have replaced photomultiplier tubes for most applications. For fluorometric measurements that do not require spectral data, a single photodiode with suitable [[filters]] can be used. Due to their larger detection area, they are more sensitive than [[photodiode arrays]].[[photodiode arrays]].)
  • Photorespiration  + ('''Photorespiration''' is the process by w'''Photorespiration''' is the process by which the enzyme RuBisCo oxygenates ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) instead of carboxylating it as part of the Calvin-Benson cycle, creating phosphoglycolate, a product that cannot be used within this cycle, thus dissipating the energy in [[photosynthesis]]. It is estimated that approximately 25 % of RuBisCo reactions are photorespiration, meaning a potential 25 % reduction in photosynthetic output due to the carbon fixed by photorespiration being released as carbon dioxide and nitrogen as ammonia, while the other product, 3-phosphoglycerate (G3P), requires a higher metabolic cost. This process involves a complex network of enzymes and metabolite exchanges between the chloroplasts, peroxisomes and mitochondria. It is also known as the oxidative photosynthetic carbon cycle or C<sub>2</sub> photosynthesis. Environmental conditions tend to affect it, such as temperature and partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide. C<sub>4</sub> plants, CAM plants and algae have biochemical and biophysical mechanisms to overcome the photosynthetic losses due to photorespiration making them more photosynthetically efficient than C<sub>3</sub> plants. [ Recent plant biotechnology advances] focuse on increasing plant photosynthetic carbon fixation by reducing photorespiration loses.asing plant photosynthetic carbon fixation by reducing photorespiration loses.)
  • Photosynthesis  + ('''Photosynthesis''' is the process that c'''Photosynthesis''' is the process that converts light energy into chemical energy which is subsequently transformed to the physiological energy demand. Photosynthesis has a light-dependent and light-independent (dark) phase. In plants, algae, and cynobacteria, light energy is absorbed during the light phase by the pigment chlorophyll and used to split water and generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and reducing power - nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), with the net production of O<sub>2</sub> as a waste product. During the dark phase ATP and NADPH are used to synthesize carbohydrates from CO<sub>2</sub> through the metabolic pathway called Calvin-Benson cycle. Oxygenic photosynthesis is responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen concentration of the Earth’s atmosphere. In bacteria such as cyanobacteria, photosynthesis involves the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm. In eukaryotic cells (plants and algae), photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts.plants and algae), photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts.)