MiPNet12.19 IOC41

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MiPNet12.19 IOC41

Publications in the MiPMap
Oroboros Instruments

Schroecken AT, 2007 Jul 18-22. Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR), IOC41.

Oroboros (2007-07-18) Mitochondr Physiol Network

Abstract: O2k-International course on high-resolution respirometry. 2007 July 18-22.

>> O2k-Workshop: Current dates
>> Product: Oroboros O2k

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros


ORO, IOC, 2007 

Lecturers and tutors

Erich Gnaiger Gnaiger Erich, CEO, Oroboros Instruments

Helene Lemieux Lemieux Helene, O2k-Network lab: CA Edmonton Lemieux H

Scandurra Francesca M, O2k-Network Lab: AT Innsbruck Oroboros

Hoppel 2012x.jpg Hoppel Charles L, O2k-Network Lab: US OH Cleveland Hoppel CL

Steven Hand Hand Steven C, O2k-Network Lab: US LA Baton Rouge Hand SC


Participant Institution
Dalmonte M. Elena IT Roma Sarti P: University of Rome La Sapienza (IT)
Endlicher RenΓ© CZ Hradec Kralove Cervinkova Z: Charles University in Prague (CZ)
Jilkova Zuzana CZ Prague Kopecky J: Institute of Physiology (CZ)
Julian David US FL Gainsville Univ Florida: University of Florida (US)
Meissner Maxi NL Groningen Reijngoud RJ: Lab. of Pediatrics - Liver, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (NL)
Muntean Danina M RO Timisoara Muntean DM: University of Medicine and Pharmacy (RO)
Nuskova Hana CZ Prague Houstek J: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CZ)
Votyakova Tatyana V US PA Pittsburgh Goetzman ES: Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (US)
Wohlgemuth Stephanie E US FL Gainesville Wohlgemuth SE: University of Florida (US)

O2k-Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.
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