Bouchard R

From Bioblast
(Redirected from Bouchard Ron)
Name Bouchard Ron, Manager of the VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System

Denver, CO 80220 VA USA

Institution Microscopy and Imaging core facility

Denver VA Medical Center Department of Veterans Affairs

Address 1055 Clermont St, CO 80220 VA
City Denver
State/Province Colorado (CO)
Country United States
Email [email protected]
O2k-Network Lab US CO Denver Schauer I



Keller 2016 Oxid Med Cell Longev2016Keller AC, Knaub LA, McClatchey PM, Connon CA, Bouchard R, Miller MW, Geary KE, Walker LA, Klemm DJ, Reusch JE (2016) Differential mitochondrial adaptation in primary vascular smooth muscle cells from a diabetic rat model. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2016:8524267.


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