FR Lyon Ovize M

From Bioblast


FR Lyon Ovize M

Oroboros O2k-Network

O2k-Network Lab FacultΓ© de mΓ©decine Lyon-Est
Address INSERM U1060-CarMeN Γ©quipe 5, 69008
City Lyon
Country France
Contact Ovize Michel
Team Couture Lepetit Elisabeth
Team previous
Status O2k 2006 –
Oroboros Events


Gonnot 2023 Nat Commun2023Gonnot F, Boulogne L, Brun C, Dia M, Gouriou Y, Bidaux G, Chouabe C, Crola Da Silva C, Ducreux S, Pillot B, Kaczmarczyk A, Leon C, Chanon S, Perret C, Sciandra F, Dargar T, Gache V, Farhat F, Sebbag L, Bochaton T, Thibault H, Ovize M, Paillard M, Gomez L (2023) SERCA2 phosphorylation at serine 663 is a key regulator of Ca2+ homeostasis in heart diseases.
Bouche 2021 PLoS One2021Bouche L, Kamel R, Tamareille S, Garcia G, Villedieu C, Pillot B, Gueguen N, Chehaitly A, Chao de la Barca JM, Beaumont J, Baetz D, Ovize M, Sesaki H, Henrion D, Reynier P, Lenaers G, Prunier F, Mirebeau-Prunier D (2021) DRP1 haploinsufficiency attenuates cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injuries. PLoS One 16:0248554.
Dia 2020 Basic Res Cardiol2020Dia M, Gomez L, Thibault H, Tessier N, Leon C, Chouabe C, Ducreux S, Gallo-Bona N, Tubbs E, Bendridi N, Chanon S, Leray A, Belmudes L, CoutΓ© Y, Kurdi M, Ovize M, Rieusset J, Paillard M (2020) Reduced reticulum-mitochondria Caysup>2+ transfer is an early and reversible trigger of mitochondrial dysfunctions in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Basic Res Cardiol 115:74.
Harhous 2019 J Mol Cell Cardiol2019Harhous Z, Badawi S, Bona NG, Pillot B, Augeul L, Paillard M, Booz GW, Canet-Soulas E, Ovize M, Kurdi M, Bidaux G (2019) Critical appraisal of STAT3 pattern in adult cardiomyocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol 131:91-100.
Harisseh 2017 Basic Res Cardiol2017Harisseh R, Pillot B, Gharib A, Augeul L, Gallo-Bona N, Ferrera R, Loufouat J, Delale T, Allas S, Abribat T, Crola Da Silva C, Ovize M (2017) Unacylated ghrelin analog prevents myocardial reperfusion injury independently of permeability transition pore. Basic Res Cardiol 112:4.
Jahandiez 2017 Basic Res Cardiol2017Jahandiez V, Cour M, Bochaton T, Abrial M, Loufouat J, Gharib A, Varennes A, Ovize M, Argaud L (2017) Fast therapeutic hypothermia prevents post-cardiac arrest syndrome through cyclophilin D-mediated mitochondrial permeability transition inhibition. Basic Res Cardiol 112:35.
Lemoine 2015 Transplantation2015Lemoine S, Pillot B, Rognant N, Augeul L, Rayberin M, Varennes A, Laville M, Ovize M, Juillard L (2015) Postconditioning with cyclosporine a reduces early renal dysfunction by inhibiting mitochondrial permeability transition. Transplantation. 99:717-23
Youcef 2015 Biochem Pharmacol2015Youcef G, Belaidi E, Waeckel L, Fazal L, Clemessy M, Vincent MP, Zadigue G, Richer C, Alhenc-Gelas F, Ovize M, Pizard A (2015) Tissue kallikrein is required for the cardioprotective effect of cyclosporin A in myocardial ischemia in the mouse. Biochem Pharmacol 94:22-9.
Ferrera 2015 J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg2015Ferrera R, Benhabbouche S, Da Silva CC, Alam MR, Ovize M (2015) Delayed low pressure at reperfusion: A new approach for cardioprotection. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 150:1641-8.
Cour 2014 J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther2014Cour M, Jahandiez V, Loufouat J, Ovize M, Argaud L (2014) Minor changes in core temperature prior to cardiac arrest influence outcomes: an experimental study. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther pii:1074248414562911. 20:407-13.
Cour 2011 Eur Heart J2011Cour M, Loufouat J, Paillard M, Augeul L, Goudable J, Ovize M, Argaud L (2011) Inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition to prevent the post-cardiac arrest syndrome: a pre-clinical study. Eur Heart J 32:226-35.
Paillard 2009 J Mol Cell Cardiol2009Paillard M, Gomez L, Augeul L, Loufouat J, Lesnefsky EJ, Ovize M (2009) Postconditioning inhibits mPTP opening independent of oxidative phosphorylation and membrane potential. J Mol Cell Cardiol 46:902-9.
Gomez 2008 Circulation2008Gomez L, Paillard M, Thibault H, Derumeaux G, Ovize M (2008) Inhibition of GSK3beta by postconditioning is required to prevent opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore during reperfusion. Circulation 117:2761-68.


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