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From Bioblast
MiPArt by Odra Noel


Click on 'Author 2014 MiP2014' hyperlink (blue) to view the full abstract.

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  • In all tables, any column can be selected for sorting according to the specified category in ascending/descending order. Click on one of the small symbols in squares shown in the header of a table.
Β» MiP2014 - all abstracts in alphabetical order.
Β» The MiP2014 Programme - abstracts in sequential sessions.
Β» MiP2014 Abstracts in the MiPMap - sort by MiPareas, species, tissues, respiratory states, diseases, ..


Our effort is to arrange the sessions to accommodate all accepted abstracts in a consistent programme structure. By restriction to 10+5 min for standard oral communications and including P-flashes (see below), a majority of submitted abstracts can be accepted - from senior scientists to sudents, with an elarged number of oral presentations.

Types of presentation

  • Oral = 10 + 5: All talks are 10 min plus 5 min discussion. The invited lecturers provide generously an opportunity to a majority of MiPparticipants to present their work orally, from senior scientists to students.
  • P-flash = 5 + 2: Flash presentations or poster flashes are 5 min plus 2 min discussion. You may optionally present your work in addition as a poster.
  • Poster = Poster presentation: Posters are up during the entire conference, providing an excellent opportunity for person-to-persion discussions and integrating your work into plenary discussions.


Verena Laner, MiPsecretary