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O2k-Open Support


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MitoPedia O2k and high-resolution respirometry: O2k-Open Support 


Use the SUITbrowser to find the substrate-uncoupler-inhibitor-titration (SUIT) protocol most suitable for addressing your research questions.

Open the SUITbrowser:

PlayVideo.jpg How to find a DL-Protocol (DLP)

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MitoPedia O2k and high-resolution respirometry: O2k-Open Support 

Each SUIT protocol receives a score from 0 to 3 in different categories that correspond to a research question (e.g. information on coupling control, information on fatty acid oxidation, among others). This score is set depending on the information which one can get from each SUIT protocol (3: this SUIT protocol is ideal, highly informative for the specific question; 2: information provided; 1: information provided, but is not a SUIT protocol mainly focused for the study of this question; 0: the specific information/question is not provided by the SUIT protocol). It is possible to choose multiple research questions at a time, to find the best protocols that address this combination of problems.

Define your experimental strategy

Mitochondrial preparations or living cells

  1. Mitochondrial preparations: imt, thom, pce, pti (including pfi)
  2. Living cells: ce = vce + dce


  1. O2
  2. H2O2 and O2
  3. Mitochondrial ATP production and O2
  4. Membrane potential and O2

Research questions

The following research questions can be selected in the SUITbrowser in various combinations to provide links to the best SUIT protocols:

MitoPedia concepts: SUIT concept, SUIT protocol 

MitoPedia methods: Respirometry, Fluorometry 

MitoPedia O2k and high-resolution respirometry: DatLab 

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